No such thing as a bad time to do some exploring.

Here is a little clip from a hike I ventured out on about a week ago!

I always find myself climbing when out and about, it’s usually a tree but this time it was a rock. A perfect rock if I might add!

Check it out!

Let me know about your Adventures!

Comments (3)

  1. Kelly Coulter


    I love your videos and posts! It’s a pleasure to watch you enjoy every minute of every day! I try so hard to see all the little things that surrround me! Everyday I drive 30 mins to work in Corry. I love seeing the changing leaves, to falling leaves and soon snow covered roads and trees. I love watching the sky and the clouds. It’s always a great day when I get to see any kind of animal, especially a fox for some reason. Before you know it, I’m st work with a smile on my face. Because I did get some time outdoors. I just happened to be in my car. Most days I walk into work telling some kind of story as to my drive to work. I have loved the early morning drives this week with the sun rising and frost covered everything. Keep up the good work Tasha! You are very inspiring! ❤️

    • Reply

      Thank you very much Kelly! It means so much to me! Thank you for sharing a little bit of your daily ventures with me as well. It’s always amazing how nature finds us, even in a car!(: That first smidgen of the day has always been one of my favorite times to see all that’s around me too, it is magical to watch our world come alive. I love your outlook on life, you have such a beautiful soul Kelly! Keep telling those stories too, let’s inspire others to look deeper into their surroundings!

  2. Cheryl Armstrong


    Whoa Tasha, BIG rock…lol
    Reminds me of my early years, not as old as you, as I believe it was the summer I turned 9. That was a crazy year of change, with my gramma passing on my birthday, but able to rise above with a newness in my life. Rocks, huge ones as well, only on the shores between the water way I learned my great outdoors adventure, and the reason I now have such a love for the kayak. I learned to water ski that summer, and out there, surrounded by wind in your face, and strength to hang on, was a serenity, of being alone with my maker. The change that came, led me on a path into deeper waters the older I got. I fell in love with so many outdoor activities, camping, sitting around a fire admiring the flames that set the mind into many worlds of imagination. To the next season of getting out in the snow and riding off into the yonder on the Cat (Arctic Cat that is)…what doors that opened into the soul of more new adventures…skipping ahead now quite a few years, to taking on a new love of the water ways, and new adventures once again, kayaking! It once again sets my soul in a place to enjoy the surroundings I venture into, with new found friends and excitement from one season closed awaiting the next to reopen once again. Yes, each day brings change, it is a world out there of unpredictable things, like Kelly, my road each day brings something new upon it, whether a deer or 21, or turkey, and yes that fox, I too fathom it’s appearance, whether it is the bushy tail, the cute sharpness to it’s nose, it’s colors, just it’s beauty. It’s rarity, like our own lives, we are each a special yet rare make. We seek good and try to elude the not so good. For change that brings positive is good for the soul, and when the soul is positive, so shall be our whole outlook on things. Change is something that every being needs to strive for once in awhile, for if it never comes, then what may never change? Life is good when it is full of changes, otherwise, you may never know how far from living you may be. Keep up the path your traveling upon, it is well.

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